Friday, January 21, 2011

New Upcoming Events!

Hey Penguins! Just wanted to post the events for you guys. Check it out!

Pretty cool? Just in case you cant see it. It says

Jan. 28 Penguin that time forgot

Feb. 1 Paychecks!

Feb. 4 Penguin style

I was happy that they are making new catalogue, This January one wasn't fantastic.
Do you like em? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Free Item!

Hey Penguins! There's a New Free item! It's called the Expedition Hat. Here's how you get it.

Step 1: Go to Dock

Step 2: Enter the Expedition

Step 3: Walk towards the Crate of hat's
I love them! They look sick! Do you like it? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


Expedition Walkthrough!

Hey Penguins! Its the 18! You know what that means. The Club Penguin Expedition! Here's the cheats!

Step 1: Go to Dock

Step 2: Go into the trail.

Step 3: Follow the Machine parts. Follow the direction Here's the Picture in order.

Direction: East
Direction: North
Direction: East
Direction: South
Direction: West
Direction: South
Direction: East

Step 4: Your done!

At the end of the trail, There is a huge machine.

Step 1: Click the plug
Step 2: Click the Coffee Beans
Step 3: Click the Coffee Nozzle
Step 4: Click the Coffee Jug
Step 5: Click the Green Button
Step 6: Click the Pink Switch
Step 7: Click the Green Switch
Step 8: Click the Yellow Button
Step 9: Click the Purple Button
Step 10: Click the Aqua Button
Step 11: Click the Purple Button
Step 12: Click the Blue Lever
Step 13: Click the Green Piano Keys
Step 14: Throw Snowball at the Fire
Step 15: Click the Green Piano Keys again
Step 16: Click the Green button near phone
Step 17: Click all the Green button
Step 18: Pull the Purple and Green lever
Step 19: Turn the Wheel
Step 20: Pull the Rope
Step 21: Click the Hot Sauce
Step 22: Click the Water Tank
Step 23: Click the Air Vent
Step 24: Click the Toaster Switch
Step 25: Throw a few Snowballs at the Target
Step 26: Go into the Elevator

Then, Ta Da! Hope it helped!

Until Then... Waddle on!


New Brown Puffle!

Hey Penguins! Really Big news, The Brown Puffle has Arrived! OMG! Take a look!

I already adopted it. There was a big button saying "Adopt". Shame is that you can only get one. To adopt the puffle, You need to follow the expedition trail. I'll post more on that topic later. Hope you enjoy the puffle! I know I do, Do you like it? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hey Penguins! A new pin has been released! The Location of the pin, is the Coffee Shop near the couch.

I think its awesome! How about you? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


Congratulations to Pingujj3!

Congratulations to Pingujj3! He was won himself a CJF Code! For making the first comment on my new blog. Wooo! Join the party!

More prizes to come...

Grand Opening Party!

Grand Opening Party!

Server: Big Snow!
Room: Snow Forts!
Time: 7:30 PST
Dress Code: Disco

There will be a surprize later on. I'll Keep you posted.

New Better Igloo's Catalogue

Hey Penguins! The new Club Penguin Catalogue from January-February is out! Here's all the secrets in the catalogue. Here's the front cover!

To Obtain the Rock, Follow the steps.

Step 1: Flip to page 5.
Step 2: Click on the Snow Fortress.

To Obtain the Icicle, Follow the steps.

Step 1: Flip to page 6.
Step 2: Click of the Top of the Snowy Tree.

To Obtain the Dream Catcher, Follow the steps.

Step 1: Flip to page 7
Step 2: Click on the Shiny Red Stove.

The new furniture is Wicked! I love the Red Section. That's all of them. Get some coin and Buy it all! What section do you like? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


New EPF Gear!

Hey Penguins! Club Penguin has released NEW! Agent Gear! Woohoo! It rocks!
Have a look!

Looks nice! Just incase you cant read it. Its called "Tech". Items are "Optic Headset, Tech Coat, Tech Satchel, Tech-book 3000" I like the Briefcase! Here's me wearing the Tech Coat.

Do I look hot? Haha, Of course I do... Do you like the gear? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


New Club Penguin Page!

Hey Penguins! Club Penguin has designed a new login page, also for the EPF website.
Here's a Picture!

Looks awesome! The penguin's gear looks Great! I shall post more of the Agent Gear in a later post. The Club Penguin EPF Website is

Do you like the page? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


New System Defender!

Hey Penguins! Since Club Penguin hasn't done a update in a while. They have gone WILD! with the updates.
Here a picture of the NEW! System Defender!

The game is really fun! Its like a Tower Defence game. You have the option of 3 types of cannon to place. You also get coins and stamps, when you play. Do you like it? Comment!

Until Then... Waddle on!


Grand Opening!

WOO HOO! Hey Penguins, My new blog has been set up! I hope to be able to give you a heads up on the latest cheats fast! I couldn't of done it without the help of DJ, He helped me with the banner.
Follow me on twitter @GabestaPenguin